Thursday, March 10, 2011


Another day, another commute, and yes - Another Post!  Can it be?!  Maybe this experiment will work!  Listening to the new Glee Vol. 5, yes, my co-commuters are very tolerant.  Are you feeling like a firework, a fat bottom girl, or maybe a P.Y.T?  And speaking of Glee, the last episode was a bit much.  I was offended at the stance the show took against abstinence.  It felt like they were making fun of it.  Now don't get me wrong, I believe that safe sex should also be taught as an option at an appropriate age, but practicing abstinence by no means makes one a prude.  Glee needs more singing and less kissing.

Ok, enough glee talk.  I downloaded new camera apps for my phone.  Vignette and photo collage.  Check out my results!  I need to get better at my photography skills with my camera phone. 

Highlights of my work day. 

1. A coworker walking by my office, waving, then almost walking into the wall.

2.  My surprisingly yummy michelina's lean microwave santa fe rice and beans meal.  Not bad for a buck.

3.  Checking on the progress of my new office.  Psyched cuz I get a window.  I guess being in management has a few perks.

4. Now.  The ride home to get my babies.  Just 3 more exits to go. 

And speaking of the 2 little men in my life...last night during a rough night with baby, mt heart melted and I smiled when he whined the word, "nurse".  Lucas is a baby of few words.  He uses them sparingly only when he feels the need is great.  It was the first time I'd heard him say that.  Now I know he is a but old to still be nursing to some, but the nursing keeps us close and in my head keeps him a baby for a bit longer.  And who doesn't want their growing toddler to stay a baby for just a little longer.  Oh and not to forget about #1, he sings along to "Billionare" and break dances.  Probably the cutest and funniest thing in the world.  I'll try to get video.  And with that I close out this post, almost to school.  Very ready to get my love cup refilled. 

What were your highlights of today thus far?


Unknown said...

That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I agree. Who doesn't want to keep their baby as long as possible? That's why I still nurse Kaish.


A window office. You are such a super star!

Kelle said...

I LOVE the new concept. these are cracking me up knowing you write them on the commute, and I LOVE it. And I LOVE that he said "nurse." Lainey didn't nurse long enough to say it, so I pressure's on Nella. Ha ha. xoxo

Rochelle said...

Well, Jackson still gets a bottle at 4:45 when we get home and I call that my snuggle time all alone with him. He get's another at bedtime... my resistence to letting him grow up and me keeping him my baby for a few months longer too!!! I love it!