Are you there Tisha? It's me... Jonah, Lucas, and Liam's Mom.
Trying not to loose myself in motherhood and failing, but enjoying every minute. Well, most of the minutes.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Previously on... blogging attempt #2896
and seriously I have a gillion things to do that THAT is all I can blog. Things on my to do list (might as well make the list on here since I started):
1. Create flyer for Jonahs largest school fundraiser to get volunteers from the HS.
2. Send email to Jonah's principal regarding a contest to get more parent sign ups FOR said fundraiser.
3. Create a 2nd ad for the school newsletter encouraging parents to sign up early for said fundraiser.
4. Email some parents the sign up link so they can volunteer at said event.
5. Edit page of volunteer lists for said event so that it is more accurate.
6. Work on chore chart lists for the boys to be framed for their bedroom and for downstairs.
7. Sew on patch for Jonah's cub scout uniform.
8. Start knitting mittens for the kids.
And Go!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Friday, September 21, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
that's my popsicle and big boy rides a 2 wheel bike!
I know its been, shall we say, awhile... Here's a 2 videos.
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Well, I bet this cute face could fine something to blame on him...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
live life to the fullest.

"Life is very enjoyable and never a dull moment. Love life, family, and friends."
- Isabelle Lawrence (my grandma) June 17, 1924 - August 28, 2011
She lived life to the fullest every day. I hope to be like that too. My grandma will be greatly missed.
Funeral Service at Martin Funeral Home in Mt. Morris Thursday, Sept.1 at 2:00. Viewing Wednesday from 12 - 8pm.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Butt hot and busy
It has butt hot lately! Good grief and holy heatwave, Batman! Lets just say I'm glad I'm not a construction worker. Traffic is crawling on my commute home, but its all good because it gives me time to write a post finally!
I started a diet a few weeks ago and am now thoroughly sick of bland salad. On the up side I've lost about 14 lbs but have now abruptly stopped for some reason. I think I wasnt eating enough.
bored yet? I sure am. Why, when I have the time to write a post, am I so stuck as to what to say. When I'm super busy random inspired thoughts and insights will pop into my head, but now...crickets. Random words that are now popping in my head -
Will ferrell
Cheerleader sketch with cheri oteri
"and now I'm spent"
Austen powers
Elizabeth Haselbeck
The view
And I'll stop there. Did you follow the stream? If so, congrats and welcome to my crazy head. Enjoy your weekend, may it be full of F-U-N!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
baby boy turned 4! think superheros, 20 kids, magic, a butt-hot day, and spidey. here's a teaser. i'll have to cheat and post some pics taken with my reg camera since I barely had a chance to take regular pics let alone ones with my phone as well.
Friday, April 22, 2011
I saw the sign...and I am happy now.
So the title has little to do with the blog post other than the fact that I think its catchy and reminds me of summer, which is just around the corner. So this is sort of a rambley post (as if any of my previous posts were remotely coherent!).
Childhood -
Shirley Temple - animal crackers in my soup do funny things to me. Love me some shirley and bojangles tap dancing.
Faux fur coats - pink and white for my sister and l. We loved them along with our green and blue tutus. No, we didn't take dance, but by george we had the tutus. They were awfully itchy, but very worth it.
Panhandling - I mean selling M&M's for our trip out west. Think girlscouts selling cookies at the grocery store but for a less noble cause without uniforms.
We've been making memories for the boys. Hopefully ones they will start remembering as they get older.
Going to see movies - took Lucas to his first movie (hop). We went with Jonah's budfy and his mom from school. Was a smashing success. Tip - take the car seat in with you and strap your child in the seat. Oh and see a movie with lots of color and action and music.
Traveling - flying to see grandparents out of state. Yet another first for Lucas. Was not such a smashing success. He didn't cry, just wanted to run around and be loud, you know, be an 18 month old. Jonah was fantastic, 3/4 is the time to start flying again.
Playing house as a single mother - daddy was out of town for what I am terming "bro-fest" in Chicago with (you guessed it) his brothers. So it was just me and the boys for the weekend. I have mad respect for simgle moms! Some times I was like ok this isn't awful, then 10 minutes later I'm tearing my hair out. Because I am adventurous or some would say crazy I took the boys out to dinner at Logans Roadhouse. And they were great! So much so that we were complimented by the dining patrons around us! Call me shocked and so proud of my boys. Yeah, it was a good mommy moment.
Memories, I'm not alone in the darkness. Yes, CATS reference. And this weekend we will make more memories celebrating Easter, the death and ressurection of Jesus, and continuing old and new traditions.
Happy Easter! Happy Passover, and if you are neither christian nor jewish, happy weekend!
Friday, March 25, 2011
The upside
So today I did something stupid, which is really not completely out of the ordinary for me, but this time it cost me about $300. No one was hurt, just the check book. After some beating up of myself, ok alot of beating myself up, I prayed with my mom and decided that it was what it was. Can't change it now, if the Lord sees fit to fix it than praise the Lord. If not well, praise the Lord too, its just money. So I perused my gallery of pictures on my phone and this is what I found. 2 sweet healthy, funny boys that love their mama and that my friends is so much more important. I'm not going to let a stupid mistake ruin my evening.
Love. Love is what masters. How can it not be after just witnessing a
Beautiful wedding ceremony full of it. So frustration no more. Just love baby! My cup is full, nee' it runneth over!