Tuesday, June 21, 2011


baby boy turned 4!  think superheros, 20 kids, magic, a butt-hot day, and spidey.  here's a teaser.  i'll have to cheat and post some pics taken with my reg camera since I barely had a chance to take regular pics let alone ones with my phone as well.


Unknown said...

I was JUST thinking about you today. SO glad to see this post. Happy Birthday to your sweet baby : ) 4 years old eh? That is practically a grown up : )

Unknown said...

You are the BEST mommy : )
Hope your July is flying along nicely!

Liz said...

Tisha! I'm just now reading your latest posts and I'm laughing so hard! Love it. I haven't been online following blogs for way too long--you even changed your blog name since I was last on! In case you thought I fell off the earth (my in laws and various friends tell me this a lot!), I'm well and I'm back to blogging. :) P.S. Find me on Facebook! :)