Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lucas newborn photoshoot - updated with pics!

Go take a peek!!!

(updated link, hope this one works :)

Jen is Amazing!!! Check out Visual Poetry if you live in Detroit/Fenton/Ann Arbor Area!!


Update - Here's some!

Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen KniivilaVisual Poetry by Jen Kniivila

here's pics of momma and lucas and you can see the new haircut. :)
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila
Visual Poetry by Jen Kniivila

just jonah - yes, i'm getting it blown up and printed. :)

new family of 4!

cuz it's funny. just prior to this pic lucas had pooped all over his daddy. bwahahaha!


Heidi said...

congrats on beautiful baby!!!!

i couldn't link into the pictures, but i will try again later!!!!

you are so blessed:)

Kelle said...

He's beautiful...and looks just like Jonah!!! Love all the Etsy stuff! I am stocking up for Baby four hats so far and a diaper cover set being made. Ha!
Love you...congratulations, my friend I love!

Kelly Hutcheson said...

Holy moly, these are breathtaking! What a happy family! Congratulations!!! wow.

still speechless.